Picture of Vasu standing on top of 5 story sky walk.

Vasu Narayanasamy, an Indian individual who identifies with he/him pronouns and resides in the French town, Puducherry and working at Mediwave as Design Manager. Design serves as the canvas for my self-expression, allowing me to articulate my thoughts and emotions in a unique way. I possess an innate ability to perceive and comprehend intricate patterns and designs that often go unnoticed by others.

People occasionally refer to me as a developer, recognising my profound expertise in web technologies and front-end frameworks. Like, I have developed this website with NextJs and TailwindCSS.

As a UX designer in the real world, my expertise lies in empathising with people and devising effective solutions by carefully considering all potential challenges. The unique approach I employ often prompts curious inquiries about the unconventional "how" behind my process.

In my spare time, I find joy in experimenting with my personal web development projects, crafting design solutions, and bringing them to life through programming languages that remain somewhat mysterious to the uninitiated. Creating interfaces is not only a passion but also a source of delight for me. Additionally, delving into the world of Oculus Quest adds an extra layer of enjoyment to my tinkering pursuits.

Away from the computer screen, you'll often find me exploring my town, enjoying leisurely drives, spending quality time with my wife, or walking along the charming Rock Beach to complete my 10,000 steps per day.

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