A mockup showcasing Alder Hey Anywhere dashboard

Case study

Alder Hey Anywhere

Alder Hey Children's Hospital Trust, based in Liverpool, United Kingdom, sought to develop an advanced online portal dedicated to managing the health of children, connecting seamlessly with their parents, all within a highly secure environment facilitated by authentic proxy access. The complexity involved the integration of doctors and administrators, ensuring efficient management of children's health information. Additionally, the system required real-time synchronisation with health monitoring devices, presenting crucial data on the dashboards of both doctors and their young patients.

  • Client

    Alder Hey Children's Hospital Trust

  • Role

    Lead Product Designer | Mindwave

  • Responsibilities

    User research, User flows, Visual design, Prototyping, Client handling, Team management, User guide

  • Duration

    2021 - 2023

The challenge

  • The primary challenge lay in acquiring genuine data from health monitoring devices, processing it through an internal engine, and seamlessly integrating it into the interactive dashboards.

  • A comprehensive understanding of the documentation and APIs was crucial for devising an effective plan that met the specific needs of our client.

  • Addressing the user experience challenge of presenting complex information in a clear and creative manner for children and parents was also a key consideration.

The approach

To address this multifaceted challenge, the first step involved identifying the various roles and their corresponding responsibilities within the platform:

Patients - Children

Parents - Child’s parent

Clinician - Doctors

Clinical Admin - Doctors with admin powers

Admin - Portal Administrator

In navigating this project, I followed:

User Research

User Flow

User Stories & Acceptance Criteria

Visual Design

Subsequently, extensive bi-weekly meetings with the client were conducted to refine role responsibilities and establish clear connections between different user roles. Collaboration with Junior Innovation Consultants, Senior Innovation Consultants, and Project Managers played a crucial role in reaching the final steps of this process.

User flow

The culmination of these efforts resulted in a meticulously crafted user flow, visualised and organised on a Miro board. The user flow covered a range of scenarios, including:

Enrolling a child and parent in the portal.

Establishing proxy connections between parents and children.

Accessing the dashboard for a comprehensive view of a child's health information.

Clinicians inviting patients to the portal and connecting with them.

Clinicians creating and recommending resources to patients.

Clinical admins approving proxy requests made by children/parents.

Admins obtaining an overview of the portal through audit logs.

Here is an example of how to create a new Event resource:

Here is an example of a userflow to create an event

You can scroll left to right or top to bottom to navigate above flow.

Here is an example of a userflow to make changes in resource settings

You can scroll left to right or top to bottom to navigate above flow.

User Stories and Acceptance Criteria

Outlined below are a few examples of user stories and acceptance criteria, providing a tangible understanding of the functionalities and expectations.

User story 1.1

As a young person using the platform, I want to be able to log in using my mobile number so I can easily access my account information.

Acceptance criteria

  • Mobile number field - Verification of number of digits , country code selection
  • Password field - Option to view / hide password
  • Submit button
  • I would like to see error message incase of invalid details

User story 1.2

As a young person I want to authenticate every time I log in so that I am assured that my account is secured and no one else can access my information or log in to my account

Acceptance criteria

  • OTP send to mobile number as soon as details entered by user match
  • SMS received by user containing 6-digit OTP
  • OPT pop-up opens with fields to enter code
  • User enters OTP & clicks submit button
  • If OTP matches, user is logged in & can access account information
  • If OTP doesn’t match, error message is shown
  • User can request Resend OTP (link to resend OTP)
  • I would like to see OTP timer for 2 minutes

The solution

With the portal, the client is able to manage everything from onboarding patients and their parents, managing their health records, approving proxy access, sharing and scheduling resources.

Also always kept accessibility of the portal for children and the staff members. Now it is easy for them to access.

Cards displaying different features

Easy for children to understand

Tailored for young patients, our platform is designed to effortlessly convey information within just a few minutes, ensuring quick and easy comprehension.

Clinician's view tab navigation

Navigation made simple

Even amidst a clinician's hectic schedule, our system enables them to seamlessly identify the correct patient and effortlessly grant proxy access, ensuring error-free approval.

Clinician's view tab navigation

Appointments in one place

Experience a transparent preview of your daily appointments, eliminating any hassle. Easily view the total number of bookings categorised by In/Out patients, along with a detailed list sorted by time remaining for a more organised schedule.

My patients list

Clinicians can effortlessly add patients, navigate through an extensive list, and seamlessly locate the specific individual for comprehensive health record tracking and checking proxy status.

Screenshot of a clinician dashboard with their patients list

My patient details

Gain immediate insights with key information, including the NHS number, age, proxy connection status, active devices, as well as health and appointment details—all conveniently accessible at a glance.

Screenshot of a clinician dashboard with their patients list

My patient’s health devices

Locate the health tracking device effortlessly, and seamlessly unlink it when the patient no longer requires remote monitoring. When needed, assign a new device with instant activation for continued and efficient tracking.

Screenshot of a clinician dashboard with their patients list


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